One of the most critically acclaimed fan favorite series of all time, Arrested Development recently came out of a several year hiatus for a brand new season. The adventures of the chronically legally challenged Bluth [...]... Read More
You're trying to keep up with the latest SEO strategies, but you keep getting conflicting information from different sources. Why do different SEO strategy guides suggest completely different ways of doing things? Why are guides looking forward to 2013 suggesting different strategies from articles written just a few years ...
Marketing with SEO techniques has become one of the most important ways that many attorneys today get new business. 53 percent of small business owners in 2011 said that SEO marketing was “very important” for ensuring the future success of their company. Whether you're using one of the hundreds of SEO marketing ...
When you started using search engine optimization, you may have focused on practice area keywords to draw people in. While this kind of technique might work for a law firm with truly national reach, most firms bring in the majority of their clients from a 10 mile range of their offices. If that's the case for your law firm ...
Even a few years ago, if you'd wanted to do a search engine optimized redesign of your website, you wouldn't have had many choices. It was so tough to do good optimization that over three quarters of law firms outsourced their SEO. What you may not know is that there's now an abundance of SEO tools. Whether ...
When you're first dipping your toes into local SEO marketing, you need a local SEO guide to help you figure out exactly what you're doing. With 20 percent of non-mobile and 40 percent of mobile searches in 2012 including a location term, you can't afford to ignore the impact of local SEO. In this local SEO guide ...
What is SEO? If you're maintaining your law firm's website, you've almost undoubtedly heard about search engine optimization. However, there is a lot of contradictory information out there about what is SEO capable of and how SEO can help your law firm. With over 80 percent of consumers reporting that they ...
SEO optimization tips are easy to come by, but how can you be sure if you're getting great SEO tips? Keep in mind that Google's new Penguin algorithm, which affected one in six search results, is now in effect, and that changes the world of SEO tips and tricks significantly. Keep reading to find out some up to the minute ...
If doing your SEO research and writing on your own sounds like a mind-numbing task, that doesn't mean that you need to give up on great search rankings. In recent years, a number of SEO services have been developed to help companies get the search engine optimization results they want. Up to 80 percent of law firms that ...
Video views on Youtube are expected to increase by 50 percent this year alone. With statistics like that, it's clear that law firms need to develop a Youtube strategy that takes into account the increasing popularity of videos and video marketing. But how can you be sure that your strategy will work? Here ...
In the last six months of 2011, the hours of video being streamed online grew by 93 percent. Using Youtube for marketing your videos can help you save money and get seen by more viewers. If you're considering using Youtube video marketing, you need to read this guide. You'll get an overview of the basics of Youtube ...
6 Branding Mistakes Your Law Firm Should Avoid
Whenever a law firm tries to create or define its brand online, there are some risks involved.
Using Twitter For B2B Law Firm Marketing
According to a recent study, Twitter may be nearly 10 times as effective as LinkedIn at getting law firms new business contacts in the B2B world.
The 7 Biggest Law Firm Social Media Mistakes
Let's face it, most law firms don't have the kind of budget they'd need to hire someone to do social media full time.
Social Media Dashboard Software for Law Firm Marketing
Americans today spend around 25 percent of their total online time on social networks.