One of the most critically acclaimed fan favorite series of all time, Arrested Development recently came out of a several year hiatus for a brand new season. The adventures of the chronically legally challenged Bluth [...]... Read More
When you're trying to narrow down a list of hashtags, how can you tell which one is best to use? For that matter, how do you put together a list of Twitter hashtags that will be most likely to lead to the biggest increases in business? Creating a Twitter hashtags list is a great way to start your tweeting on the right foot ...
It used to be significantly harder to create your own Twitter hashtag. Just to make new Twitter hashtags, you'd have to follow @hashtags, and then start making your own. Now, all you have to do is use the pound symbol (#) before a phrase, and it becomes a searchable Twitter hashtag all on its own without any further intervention ...
With the vast majority of law firms—over 90 percent—using LinkedIn or other social media, you may be looking for new ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. Link building is still the foundation of great search engine optimization, and reciprocal or two-way linking has a long internet history. Today ...
Outbound links are everywhere online. Until relatively recently, Google limited the number of outbound links that could pass on their link juice to new websites. Today, that's no longer the case, but outbound linking has become so complicated that you may want to use an outbound link checker. These tools can help you ...
Doing analysis of outbound links is still uncommon in most business sectors, including the legal field. However, if you want to make sure that your search engine optimization is successful and that people are using your website the way you want them to, you need to be able to check your outbound links and track how people are using ...
Don't believe the hype: reciprocal linking is a long way from dead. And for as long as reciprocal links are here to stay, reciprocal link checker software can help you to make sure that your linking partners are holding up their end of the bargain and helping your search engine optimization efforts. In this guide, we'll ...
There are over one trillion links on the web today—and that number will have doubled by 2014. In such a large sea of links, your law firm needs to stand out. An outbound link tool can help you understand what's going on with links leaving your website or the websites of others. While an outbound links tool is ...
Every website inbound link that Google indexes contributes to where your website appears in search rankings. If your law firm, like 2/3 of businesses in the United States, isn't already working to build website inbound links, you need to start thinking about the future. Website inbound link numbers now account for more than ...
Today, you probably already know that it isn't enough to just build inbound links to your website if you want to get to the top page. A quality inbound link counts for more, and if you're not building quality inbound links, Google will take notice. It penalized over 10 percent of web pages for building links from easy-to-game ...
If you've been working on building an inbound link presence for SEO purposes, you might have started to wonder where all your links now come from. Sometimes, when law firms start doing this in 2012, it's because Google has sent them a warning about some of their inbound links seeming unnatural. Whether you're just ...
Backlinks are one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from your competition when it comes to search engine optimization. According to the most recent American Bar Association survey, there are over 1.2 million licensed attorneys in the United States. If you don't know what a backlink is or how to get backlinks, keep ...
Over 92 percent of internet users in the United States use search engines, according to Pew Internet Research. That means search engine optimization needs to be an integral part of your internet marketing strategy. With new algorithm updates from Google called Panda and Penguin, doing an occasional backlink check became more ...
If you're not ranking as high as you'd like to be in search engine results, you may have already started doing research on how to purchase backlinks. Before you buy a backlink, though, there are a few things you'll need to consider. For one thing, many old methods that made it profitable to buy backlinks no longer ...
Less than a third of marketing professionals are currently using a backlinks checker. Using one of these tools can be the best way to make sure that your website will be safe from changes to Google. With so many options for a free backlink checker, finding the right one can seem tough. Keep reading this guide and you'll ...
What is SEO marketing going to look like in a few years? You don't need a crystal ball to look into the future and know that SEO search engine marketing will keep changing. While a few years ago, many search engine optimized pages looked clunky, over 50 percent of today's online businesses are using seamless organic ...
Small firms can often feel invisible, especially in markets with thousands of other attorneys competing for clients' business. The internet can be a great way to level the playing field—if you know how to use it right. SEO for small business can vault your firm into the top page of search results for searches that ...
If you've been paying attention to recent Google updates, you'll know that link building strategies have changed for good. Now that Google bases much of its weighting for inbound links on whether those links are from good quality web pages, you may be considering your options. Whether it's hiring an effective ...
If you're trying to increase your visibility on Google and other search engines, you probably already know that link building is one of the fastest routes to search engine success. In recent studies, though, 75 percent of marketers said that link building is either very difficult or somewhat difficult. If you've been ...
SEO has become a huge industry in recent years, and today, most law firms report that they are using some type of search engine optimization strategy. If you've been having difficulty implementing these strategies and are on a budget, you may be thinking of hiring a cheap SEO service to help you figure out what else you can do ...
If you've been reviewing your options for link building solutions, you have probably found many different outsourcing companies. But can you really outsource link building successfully? Recent changes to Google called Penguin and Panda have changed the way that link building works for most websites, including law firm sites ...
6 Branding Mistakes Your Law Firm Should Avoid
Whenever a law firm tries to create or define its brand online, there are some risks involved.
Using Twitter For B2B Law Firm Marketing
According to a recent study, Twitter may be nearly 10 times as effective as LinkedIn at getting law firms new business contacts in the B2B world.
The 7 Biggest Law Firm Social Media Mistakes
Let's face it, most law firms don't have the kind of budget they'd need to hire someone to do social media full time.
Social Media Dashboard Software for Law Firm Marketing
Americans today spend around 25 percent of their total online time on social networks.